From Stillwater-Ponca City (OK) Ostomy Outlook Nov 2000:

The Visitor

by C. Bowden, Pine Blug Metro MD; via Winnipeg (MB) Inside-Out

’Twas the night before Surgery and all through the house
Not a Doctor was stirring, not even a Nurse.
The Patient was nervous, all slumped in her bed,
While visions of Stomas raced through her head.

The family was worried and showing their fright
To see them so helpless was a pitiful sight.
When out in the hall we heard some chatter,
I went to the door to see what was the matter.

When what to my wondering eyes did appear
But an Ostomy Visitor bringing help and good cheer.
She sprang into action by wearing a smile
And assured me after surgery I’d be fine in a while.

She answered my questions, calmed all my fears,
She has had an ostomy for several years.
I felt so much better by her being there
Just to know someone that was willing to share.

And to take the time to visit me,
For I was a stranger and older than she.
I vowed right then, if God grant me will,
That when I got better I would visit the ill.

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