From Stillwater-Ponca City (OK) Ostomy Outlook Sept 1999:

Working Together to Preserve UOA

by LaVerna Reid, Oklahoma City Chapter (& National Board Member); via Oklahoma City Ostomy News

On July 30, 1999 at the Annual Meeting of the United Ostomy Association, Inc. the House of Delegates voted to accept the 1999/2000 Strategic Plan. It charged the Strategic Planning Committee with further development of the plan and to bring a new set of bylaws to the House for ratification in August of 2000.

The plan addresses the critical issues that face our organization. Membership and financial resources are declining. Our Treasurer, Ron Titlebaum, reported the financial prerequisites for viability. They are as follows:

The Strategic Plan highlights five major points:

The complete outline will be in your fall Ostomy Quarterly.

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Content last revised 1999-10-05