From Stillwater-Ponca City (OK) Ostomy Outlook March 2002:

The UOA and the American Cancer Society

by Ann Favreau, UOA President; via Lorain County (OH) Chapter

As many of you know the UOA and the American Cancer Society have worked together in communities for many years in a number of different ways. It is with excitement that we share the news that the ACS and the UOA have entered into a nationwide collaborative agreement with a colorectal cancer (CRC) focus.

The agreement outlines three areas of mutual interest and opportunity:

  1. The ACS will continue its support of local UOA activities related to the patient visiting program and other support based on the needs of the community.
  2. Public education efforts will promote the fact that colorectal cancer screening saves lives.
  3. The UOA and ACS may work together on advocacy issues of mutual interest, as they are an important component in the fight against CRC.

Local chapters and ACS Divisions are encouraged to seek each other out to explore collaborative opportunities. As we move forward to implement this agreement, further information will be provided to you.

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Content last revised 2002-03-29